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Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India
G.O.W.T.H.A.M, Means a LOT!!!

Friday, 15 June 2012

Monsoon is on its way

Hi... Rather laaaate hai... Sorry for the fortnight's delay. Was a bit unorganised , holidays anyway... It was my Dongle playing the curiosity game or sometimes my ever-long dreams. Hope it's not that late :p. This one is a special  post as far as my  summer holidays till last year. Come May and we  were all packed up for the Queen of Hills. And though I didn't have much a chance of the tea from there this year, I decided to write this from my couch and a cup of bru at home looking at the dark clouds, their way bound to those beautiful ranges...  Only God and the meteoro people now when it's actually gonna be cats-and-dogs here.

It's Raining!!! It's Pouring....

The breeze – chill and tingling, just arrived carries the fresh tempting aroma of the newly baked land under the scorchers’ red hot ball in the sky cavorting a stamina hide-and-seek game with the fuzzy sunflowers that smile and frown rearranging their yellow natural pollen. And the birds have started renovating their cozy nests and storing fresh pop-worms for their ever-enthu, ever hungry li’l birdies inside, opening their beaks in excitement, screeching for the permission to catch the thousand feathers of glossy attractive-green-blue dance to the tune of the nightingales clarinet and the cacophony of the frogs. A million spectators settle after a hustle of conversations on the brown moist couches and flutter their protective coats to bask in all the warmth the air-molecules could offer on sale. The green leaves and the red polka dotted mushrooms are all set to rediscover their profits in shelter-business for the season and make it happen for the ladybirds on their honeymoon. The caterpillars have shut their doors for a deep closed slumber.

The stage is set, the crowd is perked, without much ado… LIGHTS, CAMERA, ACTION

Thunder throttles the Earth, accompanied by the violin of the branches rubbing each other. The hearts bounce beyond vaults and here it is a tiny – oval – ellipsoidal drop fall on the long thirsty ground and all the other sparkles follow pursuit rejuvenating every cell in the Eco, intensifying the spirit and beat of life.

Monsoon is on it's way...

The brisk breeze,
Whistle - sizzle - say
Monsoon is on it's way.

The clogged clouds,
Busy - fuzzy - fey
Monsoon is on it's way.

The tall trees,
Quiver - shiver - sway
Monsoon is on it's way.

The chirpy children,
Yippee - happy - hay
Monsoon is on it's way. 

For the next 30 minutes, become one with the nature mesmerized in the rhythm of the art. Every single breath on land jumps to elation on the advent of a downpour. Watching the droplets dance in the puddle and the constant gush of wind which brings in a spray of freshness on you. It’s worth a million dollar experience!!!

Imagine a small brown stand, a single stout table, two stunted bamboo stools, a romantic red rose in the shoot vase, and only you and she… Cusped in the chill of the wind and the warmth of your relationship. The frequent friction of your wet eye lashes with hers and only a thin strand of her hair balancing a trickling droplet across your cheeks. You forget everything and lend your ears only to the bubbles plop. I bet no one can read this only once!

Hellooo… If your dreams are over, get back… As I was describing, why empty your pockets on the artificial lights and the bonsai decos when you have such a romantic gift by nature???

Small children dancing drenched and the paper boats in the gutters, carefully sailing along to avoid a Titanic tragedy, the ladies having kept their metal pails to add to the tune of nature’s band, the open umbrellas and the car wipers waving to each other and the lazy chaps happy with their Mexican-Car wash and the last drop off the mayflower petal on the shallow below my eyes… Nature arrests me into all feelings to write this post for my readers.

Waiting for the rainbow

P.S. : Meanwhile, The Literary and Debating Society of my college, of which I too am a small part, is ready with it's blog nervesandwires as a step ahead to beat the boredom of T-school these days... So it's a humble invite from Being Me to taste the spirit of freshness. Happy reading!!!

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